Measurements of hash functions on one machine: armeabi; Cortex-A8 (413fc082); 2012 TI Sitara XAM3359AZCZ100; 1 x 1000MHz; bblack, supercop-20241022
[Page version: 20250308 10:39:21]
(ECRYPT Benchmarking
of All Submitted Hashes)
is a project
to measure the performance of hash functions.
This page presents benchmark results collected in eBASH:
- Speed (cycles/byte) of hashing an 8-byte message.
- Speed of hashing a 64-byte message.
- Speed of hashing a 576-byte message.
- Speed of hashing a 1536-byte message.
- Speed of hashing a 4096-byte message.
- Speed of hashing a long message.
Graphs show timings for all message lengths between 0 and 4096 bytes.
The stair-step shape of a typical curve on the graphs
reflects the fact that these hash functions handle messages in blocks,
such as 64-byte blocks.
Long-message speed is computed as 1/2048 of the difference in cycle counts
between hashing 4096-byte messages and hashing 2048-byte messages,
or (starting with supercop-20200409)
1/16384 of the difference in cycle counts
between hashing 18208-byte messages and hashing 1824-byte messages.
Slightly different computations are used for some hash functions
with non-power-of-2 block sizes.
Each table row lists
the first quartile of many speed measurements,
the median of many speed measurements,
the third quartile of many speed measurements, and
the name of the primitive.
Measurements with large variance are indicated in red with question marks.
The symbol
(starting with supercop-20200816)
means that the SUPERCOP database
at the time of benchmarking did not list constant time
as a goal for this implementation.
The symbol
means that constant time was listed as a goal for this implementation,
but that the implementation failed TIMECOP.
(TIMECOP failures are not necessarily security issues;
they can sometimes be resolved by, e.g., declaring that a rejection-sampling condition is safe to declassify.)
There is a
separate page
with more information about each hash function and each implementation.
Designers and implementors
interested in submitting new hash functions and new implementations
should read the call for submissions.
Test results
NISTLWC graphs:
Cycles/byte for long messages |
25% | 50% | 75% | hash |
3.12 | 3.13 | 3.16 | komihash |
3.88 | 3.88 | 3.88 | prh42s512 |
3.91 | 3.93 | 4.06 | prh42s256 |
3.95 | 3.97 | 3.98 | T:md4 |
4.07 | 4.08 | 4.08 | prh42s1024 |
4.81 | 4.82 | 4.82 | prh64s512 |
4.97 | 4.97 | 4.98 | prh64s1024 |
5.00 | 5.00 | 5.01 | prh64s256 |
5.84 | 5.85 | 5.90 | md5 |
6.56 | 6.57 | 6.59 | T:bebb4185 |
7.40 | 7.41 | 7.41 | sha1 |
11.72 | 11.72 | 11.74 | T:edonr256 |
13.07 | 13.08 | 13.13 | T:blake3 |
13.17 | 13.18 | 13.24 | T:bmw256 |
13.16 | 13.24 | 13.27 | T:shabal256 |
13.38 | 13.38 | 13.40 | T:shabal512 |
13.69 | 13.69 | 13.71 | sha256 |
13.69 | 13.70 | 13.71 | sha224 |
14.90 | 14.92 | 15.04 | T:edonr512 |
15.11 | 15.13 | 15.18 | T:ripemd160 |
16.59 | 16.61 | 16.64 | T:blake2s |
18.32 | 18.37 | 18.59 | T:bmw512 |
22.59 | 22.60 | 22.72 | sha512 |
22.59 | 22.60 | 22.67 | sha384 |
22.88 | 22.89 | 22.95 | T:blake32 |
23.31 | 23.31 | 23.38 | T:nasha256 |
23.76 | 23.78 | 23.93 | T:tiger |
24.01 | 24.02 | 24.10 | T:nasha512 |
24.98 | 25.04 | 25.27 | T:blake2b |
28.49 | 28.53 | 28.62 | T:skein256256 |
29.29 | 29.34 | 29.41 | blake256 |
29.41 | 29.44 | 29.58 | lsh256 |
29.52 | 29.53 | 29.62 | T:bblake256 |
30.26 | 30.27 | 30.38 | T:k12 |
32.41 | 32.42 | 32.52 | T:luffa256 |
33.00 | 33.22 | 33.42 | T:fugue2 |
35.52 | 36.34 | 36.99 | T:beamsplitter |
37.49 | 37.51 | 37.61 | asconhashabi32v12 |
38.47 | 38.56 | 40.02 | lsh512 |
39.07 | 39.10 | 40.08 | T:xoodyakv1 |
39.47 | 39.51 | 39.66 | T:sneikha256 |
39.92 | 39.98 | 42.41 | blake512 |
40.60 | 40.62 | 40.73 | T:skein512512 |
40.60 | 40.63 | 40.87 | T:skein512256 |
42.00 | 42.03 | 42.23 | asconhashav12 |
42.00 | 42.04 | 42.47 | asconxofav12 |
42.28 | 42.33 | 42.59 | T:sarmal256 |
45.89 | 46.08 | 46.73 | T:shavite3256 |
46.39 | 46.53 | 48.64 | T:sarmal512 |
47.76 | 47.79 | 49.48 | shake128 |
48.85 | 48.88 | 50.37 | T:cubehash1632 |
49.51 | 49.57 | 50.88 | T:luffa384 |
50.82 | 50.89 | 52.34 | T:cubehash512 |
52.19 | 52.27 | 53.41 | T:keccakc256 |
52.63 | 52.68 | 54.15 | T:cubehash832 |
54.14 | 54.19 | 55.70 | asconhashbi32v12 |
55.26 | 55.32 | 56.85 | sha3224 |
56.38 | 56.47 | 58.15 | T:fugue256 |
56.58 | 56.61 | 58.19 | T:blake64 |
56.88 | 56.93 | 58.47 | asconhashv12 |
56.88 | 56.94 | 58.58 | asconxofv12 |
57.84 | 57.89 | 59.53 | sha3256 |
57.98 | 58.02 | 59.63 | shake256 |
59.01 | 59.06 | 60.58 | T:mcssha4 |
59.00 | 59.10 | 60.61 | T:mcssha6 |
60.41 | 60.48 | 62.10 | T:skein10241024 |
60.44 | 60.59 | 62.08 | T:keccakc448 |
62.48 | 62.65 | 64.11 | T:keccakc512 |
63.01 | 63.09 | 64.63 | T:mcssha5 |
66.29 | 66.35 | 67.92 | T:keccak |
66.28 | 66.59 | 67.88 | T:luffa512 |
73.14 | 73.43 | 74.87 | sha3384 |
74.97 | 75.00 | 76.47 | T:sneikha384 |
78.86 | 78.92 | 80.59 | T:shavite3512 |
80.20 | 80.35 | 81.82 | T:keccakc768 |
80.81 | 81.06 | 83.00 | T:echo256 |
82.66 | 82.77 | 84.52 | T:echosp256 |
84.79 | 84.88 | 86.48 | T:saturninhashv2 |
87.10 | 87.21 | 88.69 | T:esch256v2 |
87.55 | 87.65 | 89.10 | T:esch256v1 |
87.60 | 87.72 | 89.77 | T:lane256 |
88.38 | 88.55 | 90.13 | T:mgrostl256 |
89.29 | 89.38 | 90.89 | T:cubehash816 |
91.43 | 92.56 | 93.62 | T:md6d224 |
94.04 | 94.14 | 95.67 | T:gimli24v1 |
98.97 | 100.22 | 101.35 | T:md6d256 |
100.99 | 101.31 | 102.54 | T:floppsy |
102.50 | 103.94 | 104.33 | sha3512 |
103.03 | 104.60 | 105.00 | T:fugue512 |
111.69 | 113.33 | 113.44 | T:groestl256 |
112.64 | 113.86 | 114.24 | T:keccakc1024 |
113.00 | 114.44 | 114.57 | T:round3jh512 |
113.05 | 114.50 | 114.61 | T:round3jh256 |
118.29 | 120.00 | 120.40 | T:echosp512 |
122.30 | 123.96 | 124.17 | T:simd256 |
127.12 | 128.57 | 128.82 | T:esch384v1 |
127.17 | 128.58 | 128.73 | T:esch384v2 |
129.24 | 131.05 | 134.45 | T:md6d384 |
137.29 | 139.14 | 139.33 | T:simd512 |
146.45 | 147.96 | 148.12 | T:jh512 |
146.46 | 147.98 | 148.14 | T:jh224 |
146.50 | 147.99 | 148.44 | T:jh256 |
146.52 | 148.05 | 148.48 | T:jh384 |
148.60 | 150.23 | 150.39 | T:echo512 |
151.13 | 151.89 | 163.74 | T:essence512 |
153.65 | 155.12 | 155.28 | T:romulush |
154.16 | 155.53 | 155.62 | T:cubehash1616 |
155.87 | 156.16 | 156.25 | T:groestl512 |
157.33 | 159.82 | 161.53 | T:md6d512 |
152.17? | 159.90? | 218.63? | T:lane512 |
163.98 | 164.03 | 164.14 | T:cubehash88 |
166.99 | 167.19 | 168.12 | T:whirlpool |
157.95 | 167.35 | 175.35 | T:essence384 |
171.56 | 171.60 | 171.71 | T:drygascon128 |
176.52 | 176.61 | 177.13 | T:shamashashv1 |
216.77 | 217.00 | 217.28 | T:clxhash |
217.61 | 217.76 | 218.12 | T:rfsb509 |
235.23 | 235.34 | 235.71 | T:drygascon256 |
249.26 | 249.50 | 250.80 | T:knot256v2 |
271.79 | 271.94 | 273.25 | T:essence256 |
271.86 | 272.13 | 273.46 | T:essence224 |
293.50 | 293.88 | 295.01 | T:cubehash168 |
307.27 | 307.75 | 308.76 | T:cubehash84 |
336.15 | 337.60 | 337.83 | T:coral256v1 |
479.58 | 480.51 | 483.81 | T:knot256v1 |
566.27 | 569.02 | 569.47 | T:cubehash164 |
598.32 | 599.88 | 600.62 | T:cubehash82 |
901.86 | 905.38 | 907.94 | T:knot384 |
1118.98 | 1120.02 | 1123.83 | T:cubehash162 |
1180.61 | 1182.04 | 1186.12 | T:cubehash81 |
1241.76 | 1242.54 | 1245.91 | T:photonbeetlehash256rate32v1 |
1253.97 | 1254.40 | 1257.92 | T:knot512 |
1359.00 | 1439.83 | 1508.76 | T:fsb256 |
1685.21 | 1685.82 | 1689.90 | T:syconhash256v1 |
1786.76 | 1837.48 | 1867.32 | T:fsb512 |
2223.55 | 2225.19 | 2226.74 | T:cubehash161 |
2400.71 | 2402.91 | 2408.11 | T:subterraneanv1 |
3240.92 | 3243.72 | 3251.72 | T:acehash256v1 |
4414.15 | 4416.80 | 4421.94 | T:skinnyhashtk3 |
5374.07 | 5378.65 | 5387.10 | T:sivrijndael256hash256v1 |
6101.26 | 6103.26 | 6113.82 | T:orangishv1 |
7201.75 | 7208.23 | 7222.48 | T:gage1h256c256r128 |
7916.99 | 7921.50 | 7933.32 | T:skinnyhashtk2 |
10495.27 | 10502.50 | 10546.67 | T:gage1h256c224r032 |
11353.48 | 11361.11 | 11383.17 | T:gage1h256c224r064 |
11391.53 | 11403.94 | 11420.51 | T:rhash |
12574.89 | 12586.47 | 12607.17 | T:gage1h256c256r064 |
20683.75 | 20705.05 | 20752.47 | T:sivtemphotonhashv1 |
22362.93 | 22378.76 | 22417.49 | T:gage1h256c512r064 |
22701.37 | 22717.93 | 22764.68 | T:gage1h256c256r032 |
25837.20 | 26121.03 | 26249.58 | T:heron256v1 |
38059.93 | 38083.57 | 38145.17 | T:gage1h256c224r016 |
42274.70 | 42299.18 | 42355.25 | T:gage1h256c512r032 |
42956.39 | 42981.72 | 43036.41 | T:gage1h256c256r016 |
73095.80 | 73143.47 | 73195.98 | T:gage1h256c224r008 |
Cycles/byte for 4096 bytes |
25% | 50% | 75% | hash |
3.52 | 3.52 | 3.53 | komihash |
4.49 | 4.50 | 4.51 | T:md4 |
4.97 | 4.98 | 5.00 | prh42s256 |
5.18 | 5.18 | 5.19 | prh42s512 |
5.80 | 5.81 | 5.82 | prh42s1024 |
6.20 | 6.20 | 6.21 | prh64s256 |
6.35 | 6.36 | 6.36 | md5 |
6.65 | 6.66 | 6.66 | prh64s512 |
7.14 | 7.14 | 7.16 | T:bebb4185 |
7.89 | 7.89 | 7.90 | prh64s1024 |
8.02 | 8.03 | 8.08 | sha1 |
12.33 | 12.33 | 12.33 | T:edonr256 |
13.19 | 13.20 | 13.21 | T:blake3 |
14.04 | 14.05 | 14.11 | T:bmw256 |
14.39 | 14.42 | 14.58 | T:shabal256 |
14.42 | 14.43 | 14.44 | sha256 |
14.42 | 14.44 | 14.46 | sha224 |
14.48 | 14.49 | 14.50 | T:shabal512 |
15.82 | 15.82 | 15.83 | T:ripemd160 |
15.85 | 15.86 | 15.87 | T:edonr512 |
16.98 | 17.01 | 17.02 | T:blake2s |
20.10 | 20.15 | 20.43 | T:bmw512 |
23.66 | 23.67 | 23.73 | T:blake32 |
23.82 | 23.82 | 23.83 | sha384 |
23.83 | 23.83 | 23.84 | sha512 |
24.18 | 24.18 | 24.19 | T:nasha256 |
24.60 | 24.62 | 24.63 | T:tiger |
25.33 | 25.34 | 25.35 | T:nasha512 |
25.84 | 25.90 | 26.58 | T:blake2b |
29.19 | 29.19 | 29.24 | T:skein256256 |
30.17 | 30.18 | 30.20 | blake256 |
30.78 | 30.83 | 30.88 | lsh256 |
31.17 | 31.18 | 31.24 | T:k12 |
32.90 | 32.91 | 32.93 | T:bblake256 |
33.41 | 33.42 | 33.43 | T:luffa256 |
35.88 | 36.28 | 36.32 | T:beamsplitter |
38.23 | 38.23 | 38.26 | asconhashabi32v12 |
38.66 | 38.67 | 38.88 | T:fugue2 |
39.63 | 39.63 | 39.63 | T:xoodyakv1 |
40.13 | 40.13 | 40.14 | T:sneikha256 |
41.28 | 41.29 | 41.38 | lsh512 |
41.71 | 41.73 | 41.87 | T:skein512256 |
41.75 | 41.76 | 41.87 | T:skein512512 |
42.29 | 42.35 | 42.43 | blake512 |
42.73 | 42.74 | 42.80 | asconhashav12 |
42.74 | 42.75 | 42.79 | asconxofav12 |
44.09 | 44.11 | 44.15 | T:sarmal256 |
47.01 | 47.06 | 47.64 | T:shavite3256 |
48.29 | 48.46 | 48.54 | T:sarmal512 |
49.19 | 49.19 | 49.24 | shake128 |
51.12 | 51.13 | 51.16 | T:luffa384 |
52.42 | 52.42 | 52.43 | T:cubehash512 |
53.37 | 53.37 | 53.38 | T:cubehash1632 |
53.89 | 53.93 | 54.04 | T:keccakc256 |
54.95 | 54.96 | 55.01 | asconhashbi32v12 |
56.62 | 56.64 | 56.69 | sha3224 |
57.70 | 57.71 | 57.71 | asconxofv12 |
57.72 | 57.74 | 57.75 | asconhashv12 |
58.70 | 58.72 | 58.77 | T:fugue256 |
58.94 | 58.95 | 58.99 | T:blake64 |
59.20 | 59.21 | 59.22 | T:cubehash832 |
60.15 | 60.16 | 60.18 | sha3256 |
60.32 | 60.33 | 60.38 | shake256 |
60.34 | 60.35 | 60.37 | T:mcssha4 |
60.71 | 60.71 | 60.73 | T:mcssha6 |
62.21 | 62.22 | 62.23 | T:keccakc448 |
62.92 | 62.93 | 62.95 | T:skein10241024 |
64.97 | 64.97 | 64.99 | T:mcssha5 |
64.97 | 64.98 | 65.08 | T:keccakc512 |
68.31 | 68.34 | 68.35 | T:luffa512 |
68.73 | 68.74 | 68.77 | T:keccak |
75.20 | 75.27 | 75.39 | sha3384 |
76.14 | 76.14 | 76.16 | T:sneikha384 |
81.66 | 81.67 | 81.74 | T:shavite3512 |
81.66 | 81.68 | 81.74 | T:keccakc768 |
84.04 | 84.06 | 84.14 | T:echo256 |
85.80 | 85.86 | 85.91 | T:saturninhashv2 |
86.57 | 86.58 | 86.83 | T:echosp256 |
87.95 | 87.97 | 88.05 | T:esch256v2 |
88.41 | 88.41 | 88.44 | T:esch256v1 |
90.79 | 90.80 | 91.02 | T:lane256 |
93.12 | 93.15 | 93.46 | T:mgrostl256 |
94.86 | 94.91 | 95.10 | T:md6d224 |
95.06 | 95.07 | 95.15 | T:gimli24v1 |
95.83 | 95.83 | 95.88 | T:cubehash816 |
101.32 | 101.34 | 101.45 | T:floppsy |
102.03 | 102.08 | 104.31 | T:md6d256 |
104.09 | 104.21 | 104.83 | sha3512 |
108.12 | 108.14 | 108.37 | T:fugue512 |
113.23 | 113.24 | 113.56 | T:keccakc1024 |
115.09 | 115.13 | 115.50 | T:groestl256 |
115.12 | 115.30 | 115.59 | T:round3jh512 |
115.37 | 115.39 | 115.78 | T:round3jh256 |
123.05 | 123.07 | 123.34 | T:echosp512 |
124.53 | 124.55 | 124.79 | T:simd256 |
128.64 | 128.65 | 128.77 | T:esch384v2 |
128.65 | 128.66 | 129.15 | T:esch384v1 |
131.07 | 131.17 | 134.41 | T:md6d384 |
142.05 | 142.12 | 142.46 | T:simd512 |
149.07 | 149.08 | 149.26 | T:jh256 |
149.07 | 149.09 | 149.29 | T:jh512 |
149.07 | 149.17 | 149.28 | T:jh224 |
149.13 | 149.20 | 149.35 | T:jh384 |
153.63 | 153.66 | 153.94 | T:echo512 |
155.01 | 155.01 | 155.19 | T:romulush |
155.04 | 155.09 | 155.39 | T:essence512 |
154.98? | 155.23? | 178.80? | T:essence384 |
160.40 | 160.72 | 169.52 | T:md6d512 |
162.87 | 162.97 | 163.40 | T:groestl512 |
165.87 | 165.90 | 166.57 | T:cubehash1616 |
169.06 | 169.07 | 169.18 | T:cubehash88 |
168.23 | 169.37 | 169.88 | T:whirlpool |
170.66 | 170.69 | 171.59 | T:drygascon128 |
176.13 | 176.22 | 176.94 | T:shamashashv1 |
168.08? | 176.38? | 223.35? | T:lane512 |
215.95 | 216.03 | 221.97 | T:clxhash |
218.83 | 218.87 | 222.24 | T:rfsb509 |
235.60 | 235.67 | 237.18 | T:drygascon256 |
250.30 | 250.36 | 256.14 | T:knot256v2 |
275.03 | 275.22 | 281.15 | T:essence256 |
275.11 | 275.27 | 281.75 | T:essence224 |
303.89 | 304.00 | 309.88 | T:cubehash168 |
312.33 | 312.44 | 318.23 | T:cubehash84 |
337.46 | 337.57 | 343.94 | T:coral256v1 |
477.97 | 483.62 | 484.19 | T:knot256v1 |
576.78 | 582.57 | 583.22 | T:cubehash164 |
602.24 | 608.00 | 608.24 | T:cubehash82 |
904.76 | 906.46 | 907.58 | T:knot384 |
1131.32 | 1131.50 | 1133.62 | T:cubehash162 |
1187.49 | 1187.78 | 1193.07 | T:cubehash81 |
1238.59 | 1238.89 | 1244.24 | T:photonbeetlehash256rate32v1 |
1258.77 | 1259.83 | 1264.55 | T:knot512 |
1703.76 | 1703.88 | 1704.68 | T:syconhash256v1 |
2234.28 | 2234.78 | 2240.21 | T:cubehash161 |
2404.75 | 2409.81 | 2411.58 | T:subterraneanv1 |
3271.24 | 3272.80 | 3277.14 | T:acehash256v1 |
4444.41 | 4449.71 | 4454.16 | T:skinnyhashtk3 |
5366.34 | 5370.99 | 5376.71 | T:sivrijndael256hash256v1 |
6145.81 | 6148.33 | 6156.14 | T:orangishv1 |
7287.85 | 7292.72 | 7304.64 | T:gage1h256c256r128 |
7930.09 | 7938.95 | 7944.30 | T:skinnyhashtk2 |
10586.80 | 10590.17 | 10603.63 | T:gage1h256c224r032 |
11460.85 | 11469.01 | 11482.64 | T:gage1h256c224r064 |
11529.57 | 11540.45 | 11593.50 | T:rhash |
12694.50 | 12704.40 | 12719.85 | T:gage1h256c256r064 |
20662.05 | 20667.88 | 20694.30 | T:sivtemphotonhashv1 |
22573.63 | 22580.15 | 22621.26 | T:gage1h256c512r064 |
22898.07 | 22908.10 | 22942.86 | T:gage1h256c256r032 |
25704.65 | 25898.79 | 26415.61 | T:heron256v1 |
38368.71 | 38388.82 | 38459.42 | T:gage1h256c224r016 |
40505.26 | 40563.67 | 40657.50 | T:fsb512 |
42634.06 | 42647.64 | 42683.93 | T:gage1h256c512r032 |
43303.55 | 43328.14 | 43364.13 | T:gage1h256c256r016 |
43571.03 | 43632.91 | 43715.52 | T:fsb256 |
73697.34 | 73741.92 | 73817.54 | T:gage1h256c224r008 |
Cycles/byte for 1536 bytes |
25% | 50% | 75% | hash |
4.18 | 4.18 | 4.18 | komihash |
5.37 | 5.38 | 5.42 | T:md4 |
6.76 | 6.78 | 6.83 | prh42s256 |
7.19 | 7.19 | 7.21 | md5 |
7.35 | 7.35 | 7.38 | prh42s512 |
8.08 | 8.09 | 8.11 | T:bebb4185 |
8.17 | 8.19 | 8.19 | prh64s256 |
8.68 | 8.68 | 8.73 | prh42s1024 |
9.03 | 9.04 | 9.06 | sha1 |
9.73 | 9.74 | 9.77 | prh64s512 |
12.78 | 12.78 | 12.78 | prh64s1024 |
13.34 | 13.34 | 13.37 | T:edonr256 |
13.73 | 13.75 | 13.78 | T:blake3 |
15.48 | 15.52 | 15.68 | T:bmw256 |
15.65 | 15.65 | 15.66 | sha256 |
15.65 | 15.65 | 15.68 | sha224 |
16.33 | 16.33 | 16.36 | T:shabal512 |
16.39 | 16.41 | 16.87 | T:shabal256 |
17.01 | 17.01 | 17.01 | T:ripemd160 |
17.39 | 17.41 | 17.42 | T:edonr512 |
17.60 | 17.64 | 17.71 | T:blake2s |
23.03 | 23.08 | 23.25 | T:bmw512 |
25.01 | 25.04 | 25.06 | T:blake32 |
25.63 | 25.64 | 25.66 | T:nasha256 |
25.88 | 25.88 | 25.90 | sha384 |
25.91 | 25.91 | 25.93 | sha512 |
26.10 | 26.12 | 26.15 | T:tiger |
27.15 | 27.29 | 27.67 | T:blake2b |
27.53 | 27.56 | 27.59 | T:nasha512 |
30.35 | 30.35 | 30.43 | T:skein256256 |
31.65 | 31.68 | 31.74 | blake256 |
33.07 | 33.15 | 33.36 | lsh256 |
34.12 | 34.18 | 34.21 | T:k12 |
35.07 | 35.10 | 35.13 | T:luffa256 |
36.97 | 37.00 | 37.43 | T:beamsplitter |
38.52 | 38.55 | 38.57 | T:bblake256 |
39.42 | 39.44 | 39.53 | asconhashabi32v12 |
40.56 | 40.58 | 40.58 | T:xoodyakv1 |
41.23 | 41.23 | 41.26 | T:sneikha256 |
43.56 | 43.56 | 43.62 | T:skein512256 |
43.65 | 43.67 | 43.70 | T:skein512512 |
43.97 | 43.97 | 44.05 | asconhashav12 |
43.97 | 43.97 | 44.08 | asconxofav12 |
46.03 | 46.06 | 46.06 | lsh512 |
46.09 | 46.30 | 46.44 | blake512 |
47.01 | 47.09 | 47.14 | T:sarmal256 |
48.09 | 48.12 | 48.26 | T:fugue2 |
48.83 | 48.85 | 49.37 | T:shavite3256 |
51.78 | 51.86 | 52.00 | T:sarmal512 |
53.14 | 53.14 | 53.17 | shake128 |
53.84 | 53.85 | 53.87 | T:luffa384 |
55.09 | 55.12 | 55.17 | T:cubehash512 |
56.31 | 56.31 | 56.34 | asconhashbi32v12 |
57.94 | 57.94 | 57.99 | sha3224 |
58.46 | 58.48 | 58.59 | T:keccakc256 |
59.08 | 59.08 | 59.10 | asconxofv12 |
59.10 | 59.14 | 59.19 | asconhashv12 |
60.90 | 60.92 | 60.93 | T:cubehash1632 |
62.58 | 62.58 | 62.60 | T:mcssha4 |
62.64 | 62.71 | 62.88 | T:fugue256 |
62.74 | 62.77 | 62.80 | sha3256 |
62.88 | 62.88 | 62.91 | T:blake64 |
62.99 | 63.02 | 63.15 | shake256 |
63.55 | 63.56 | 63.56 | T:mcssha6 |
64.15 | 64.18 | 64.21 | T:keccakc448 |
67.14 | 67.16 | 67.27 | T:skein10241024 |
67.81 | 67.84 | 67.84 | T:keccakc512 |
68.24 | 68.25 | 68.28 | T:mcssha5 |
70.17 | 70.18 | 70.20 | T:cubehash832 |
71.69 | 71.69 | 71.72 | T:luffa512 |
73.14 | 73.32 | 73.32 | T:keccak |
77.20 | 77.44 | 77.55 | sha3384 |
78.12 | 78.12 | 78.15 | T:sneikha384 |
82.49 | 82.52 | 82.57 | T:keccakc768 |
86.02 | 86.04 | 86.07 | T:echosp256 |
86.50 | 86.53 | 86.58 | T:shavite3512 |
87.56 | 87.59 | 87.67 | T:saturninhashv2 |
89.43 | 89.46 | 89.49 | T:esch256v2 |
89.92 | 89.92 | 89.95 | T:esch256v1 |
92.31 | 92.33 | 92.58 | T:echo256 |
96.18 | 96.22 | 96.43 | T:lane256 |
96.84 | 96.86 | 97.01 | T:gimli24v1 |
98.28 | 98.33 | 98.47 | T:md6d224 |
101.44 | 101.48 | 101.64 | T:mgrostl256 |
101.91 | 101.94 | 101.97 | T:floppsy |
105.35 | 105.39 | 105.49 | T:md6d256 |
106.79 | 106.82 | 106.93 | T:cubehash816 |
109.36 | 109.46 | 109.61 | sha3512 |
116.80 | 116.81 | 116.86 | T:fugue512 |
117.34 | 117.35 | 117.37 | T:keccakc1024 |
118.75 | 118.92 | 118.95 | T:round3jh512 |
118.86 | 119.00 | 119.16 | T:round3jh256 |
121.11 | 121.17 | 121.35 | T:groestl256 |
128.38 | 128.39 | 128.63 | T:simd256 |
131.28 | 131.29 | 131.29 | T:esch384v2 |
131.31 | 131.32 | 131.32 | T:esch384v1 |
134.11 | 134.21 | 135.03 | T:md6d384 |
135.20 | 135.24 | 135.33 | T:echosp512 |
150.11 | 150.17 | 150.58 | T:simd512 |
153.59 | 153.61 | 153.67 | T:jh256 |
153.61 | 153.62 | 153.67 | T:jh384 |
153.61 | 153.64 | 153.71 | T:jh512 |
153.61 | 153.64 | 153.88 | T:jh224 |
157.52 | 157.55 | 157.60 | T:romulush |
162.08 | 162.16 | 162.24 | T:echo512 |
162.94 | 163.21 | 173.15 | T:md6d512 |
164.14? | 164.28? | 189.26? | T:essence384 |
164.27 | 164.28 | 164.38 | T:essence512 |
171.65 | 171.66 | 171.79 | T:drygascon128 |
172.87 | 172.95 | 175.99 | T:whirlpool |
177.21 | 177.29 | 177.86 | T:groestl512 |
179.05 | 179.06 | 179.28 | T:shamashashv1 |
180.00 | 180.01 | 180.06 | T:cubehash88 |
185.65 | 185.67 | 185.72 | T:cubehash1616 |
185.73? | 186.35? | 247.47? | T:lane512 |
217.11 | 217.14 | 217.38 | T:clxhash |
225.90 | 225.93 | 226.31 | T:rfsb509 |
238.76 | 238.76 | 238.84 | T:drygascon256 |
254.57 | 254.60 | 254.63 | T:knot256v2 |
283.03 | 283.06 | 283.52 | T:essence256 |
283.03 | 283.11 | 283.62 | T:essence224 |
323.29 | 323.31 | 323.66 | T:cubehash84 |
323.66 | 323.67 | 324.10 | T:cubehash168 |
342.19 | 342.24 | 342.68 | T:coral256v1 |
479.98 | 480.02 | 480.44 | T:knot256v1 |
596.41 | 596.68 | 598.22 | T:cubehash164 |
613.06 | 613.20 | 614.31 | T:cubehash82 |
904.91 | 905.10 | 922.81 | T:knot384 |
1145.41 | 1145.57 | 1160.82 | T:cubehash162 |
1192.71 | 1193.98 | 1208.17 | T:cubehash81 |
1229.52 | 1244.68 | 1249.21 | T:photonbeetlehash256rate32v1 |
1261.99 | 1264.43 | 1278.56 | T:knot512 |
1720.43 | 1736.23 | 1738.12 | T:syconhash256v1 |
2258.21 | 2258.58 | 2259.32 | T:cubehash161 |
2419.17 | 2419.82 | 2423.07 | T:subterraneanv1 |
3322.69 | 3323.97 | 3340.05 | T:acehash256v1 |
4509.22 | 4509.90 | 4512.58 | T:skinnyhashtk3 |
5360.72 | 5361.23 | 5364.27 | T:sivrijndael256hash256v1 |
6221.85 | 6226.34 | 6238.50 | T:orangishv1 |
7440.71 | 7441.03 | 7445.19 | T:gage1h256c256r128 |
7956.22 | 7957.10 | 7963.01 | T:skinnyhashtk2 |
10740.50 | 10742.10 | 10753.79 | T:gage1h256c224r032 |
11637.16 | 11650.68 | 11660.62 | T:gage1h256c224r064 |
11792.32 | 11891.80 | 11909.19 | T:rhash |
12900.43 | 12902.82 | 12927.69 | T:gage1h256c256r064 |
20621.23 | 20629.48 | 20661.82 | T:sivtemphotonhashv1 |
22933.47 | 22936.67 | 22974.94 | T:gage1h256c512r064 |
23223.88 | 23227.43 | 23252.74 | T:gage1h256c256r032 |
26353.27 | 26379.71 | 26786.08 | T:heron256v1 |
38883.21 | 38907.98 | 38981.46 | T:gage1h256c224r016 |
43241.89 | 43269.99 | 43319.31 | T:gage1h256c512r032 |
43883.22 | 43910.45 | 43942.73 | T:gage1h256c256r016 |
74696.17 | 74709.21 | 74820.55 | T:gage1h256c224r008 |
104857.95 | 105011.08 | 105224.15 | T:fsb512 |
113432.26 | 114339.95 | 114599.80 | T:fsb256 |
Cycles/byte for 576 bytes |
25% | 50% | 75% | hash |
5.86 | 5.92 | 5.93 | komihash |
7.68 | 7.74 | 7.75 | T:md4 |
9.40 | 9.40 | 9.47 | md5 |
10.62 | 10.64 | 10.71 | T:bebb4185 |
11.50 | 11.58 | 11.72 | prh42s256 |
11.72 | 11.72 | 11.79 | sha1 |
13.15 | 13.17 | 13.17 | prh42s512 |
13.44 | 13.46 | 13.53 | prh64s256 |
14.68 | 14.68 | 14.75 | T:blake3 |
15.99 | 16.04 | 16.07 | T:edonr256 |
16.35 | 16.35 | 16.36 | prh42s1024 |
17.93 | 17.94 | 17.94 | prh64s512 |
18.88 | 18.94 | 18.96 | sha256 |
18.89 | 18.94 | 18.96 | sha224 |
19.25 | 19.32 | 19.39 | T:bmw256 |
19.25 | 19.32 | 19.53 | T:blake2s |
20.03 | 20.04 | 20.11 | T:edonr512 |
20.18 | 20.18 | 20.19 | T:ripemd160 |
21.26 | 21.26 | 21.33 | T:shabal512 |
21.69 | 21.76 | 22.28 | T:shabal256 |
25.75 | 25.76 | 25.82 | prh64s1024 |
28.64 | 28.65 | 28.79 | T:blake32 |
28.85 | 28.86 | 28.88 | sha384 |
28.93 | 29.00 | 29.07 | sha512 |
28.85 | 29.07 | 29.38 | T:bmw512 |
29.44 | 29.44 | 29.51 | T:nasha256 |
30.14 | 30.17 | 30.31 | T:tiger |
30.82 | 30.88 | 30.89 | T:nasha512 |
33.35 | 33.40 | 33.42 | T:skein256256 |
33.42 | 33.56 | 34.15 | T:blake2b |
35.53 | 35.58 | 35.67 | blake256 |
36.01 | 36.10 | 36.17 | lsh256 |
39.07 | 39.14 | 39.19 | T:k12 |
39.50 | 39.57 | 39.65 | T:luffa256 |
39.93 | 40.01 | 40.22 | T:beamsplitter |
42.61 | 42.75 | 42.89 | asconhashabi32v12 |
43.10 | 43.11 | 43.11 | T:xoodyakv1 |
44.12 | 44.19 | 44.26 | T:sneikha256 |
47.22 | 47.24 | 47.44 | asconhashav12 |
47.24 | 47.31 | 47.53 | asconxofav12 |
48.46 | 48.46 | 48.47 | T:skein512256 |
48.75 | 48.78 | 48.83 | T:skein512512 |
50.42 | 50.43 | 50.62 | T:sarmal256 |
52.01 | 52.36 | 52.65 | blake512 |
53.53 | 53.60 | 53.61 | T:bblake256 |
53.75 | 53.96 | 54.04 | T:shavite3256 |
54.54 | 54.56 | 54.62 | lsh512 |
55.56 | 55.78 | 56.21 | T:sarmal512 |
58.74 | 58.74 | 58.88 | shake128 |
59.96 | 59.97 | 60.04 | asconhashbi32v12 |
61.06 | 61.12 | 61.14 | T:luffa384 |
62.21 | 62.28 | 62.29 | T:cubehash512 |
62.72 | 62.78 | 62.79 | asconxofv12 |
62.79 | 62.86 | 63.07 | asconhashv12 |
65.03 | 65.10 | 65.11 | T:keccakc256 |
67.11 | 67.12 | 67.19 | T:blake64 |
68.50 | 68.57 | 68.58 | T:mcssha4 |
71.10 | 71.11 | 71.18 | T:mcssha6 |
71.32 | 71.32 | 71.40 | sha3256 |
71.39 | 71.40 | 71.46 | sha3224 |
71.75 | 71.76 | 71.83 | shake256 |
73.06 | 73.11 | 73.28 | T:fugue2 |
73.07 | 73.14 | 73.35 | T:fugue256 |
77.03 | 77.04 | 77.04 | T:mcssha5 |
77.25 | 77.25 | 77.26 | T:keccakc512 |
77.47 | 77.54 | 77.56 | T:keccak |
80.43 | 80.44 | 80.51 | T:keccakc448 |
80.72 | 80.74 | 80.81 | T:luffa512 |
81.01 | 81.03 | 81.08 | T:cubehash1632 |
83.46 | 83.47 | 83.49 | T:sneikha384 |
85.06 | 85.08 | 85.28 | T:skein10241024 |
87.53 | 88.25 | 88.46 | sha3384 |
90.06 | 90.14 | 90.28 | T:keccakc768 |
90.71 | 90.78 | 90.86 | T:shavite3512 |
92.24 | 92.31 | 92.36 | T:saturninhashv2 |
93.39 | 93.46 | 93.54 | T:esch256v2 |
93.90 | 93.96 | 93.97 | T:esch256v1 |
99.46 | 99.46 | 99.54 | T:cubehash832 |
100.54 | 100.56 | 100.69 | T:echosp256 |
101.56 | 101.62 | 101.64 | T:gimli24v1 |
103.58 | 103.58 | 103.65 | T:floppsy |
110.67 | 110.74 | 110.82 | T:lane256 |
110.90 | 110.97 | 111.04 | T:echo256 |
113.64 | 113.71 | 113.85 | T:mgrostl256 |
123.83 | 124.71 | 125.07 | sha3512 |
128.40 | 128.53 | 128.61 | T:round3jh512 |
128.61 | 128.68 | 128.75 | T:round3jh256 |
130.07 | 130.14 | 130.49 | T:keccakc1024 |
136.06 | 136.07 | 136.14 | T:cubehash816 |
137.15 | 137.22 | 137.36 | T:groestl256 |
138.31 | 138.31 | 138.32 | T:esch384v2 |
138.38 | 138.39 | 138.46 | T:esch384v1 |
138.67 | 138.67 | 138.74 | T:simd256 |
139.96 | 139.97 | 140.06 | T:fugue512 |
162.68 | 162.69 | 162.82 | T:echosp512 |
164.26 | 164.28 | 164.28 | T:romulush |
165.64 | 165.65 | 165.65 | T:jh256 |
165.65 | 165.65 | 165.72 | T:jh384 |
165.71 | 165.72 | 165.79 | T:jh512 |
165.65 | 165.79 | 166.38 | T:jh224 |
168.18 | 168.32 | 168.40 | T:echo512 |
174.32 | 174.33 | 174.35 | T:drygascon128 |
185.32 | 185.47 | 186.83 | T:whirlpool |
186.90 | 186.92 | 187.19 | T:shamashashv1 |
186.90 | 187.06 | 187.28 | T:simd512 |
188.50? | 188.79? | 216.79? | T:essence384 |
188.86 | 188.93 | 189.22 | T:essence512 |
198.19 | 198.35 | 198.62 | T:groestl512 |
202.10 | 202.11 | 202.39 | T:md6d224 |
209.18 | 209.19 | 209.26 | T:cubehash88 |
216.14 | 216.35 | 216.49 | T:md6d256 |
220.25 | 220.26 | 220.33 | T:clxhash |
238.42 | 238.47 | 238.50 | T:cubehash1616 |
242.54 | 242.56 | 242.92 | T:rfsb509 |
247.24 | 247.24 | 247.25 | T:drygascon256 |
251.15? | 254.54? | 333.39? | T:lane512 |
265.97 | 265.97 | 266.04 | T:knot256v2 |
274.44 | 274.67 | 276.26 | T:md6d384 |
304.31 | 304.32 | 304.46 | T:essence224 |
304.39 | 304.39 | 304.53 | T:essence256 |
332.60 | 333.25 | 349.17 | T:md6d512 |
352.56 | 352.57 | 352.85 | T:cubehash84 |
354.96 | 355.01 | 355.03 | T:coral256v1 |
376.43 | 376.50 | 376.58 | T:cubehash168 |
485.79 | 485.81 | 485.89 | T:knot256v1 |
642.26 | 642.33 | 642.76 | T:cubehash82 |
649.19 | 649.22 | 649.92 | T:cubehash164 |
918.43 | 918.50 | 919.24 | T:knot384 |
1197.93 | 1198.01 | 1199.01 | T:cubehash162 |
1220.22 | 1220.29 | 1221.24 | T:photonbeetlehash256rate32v1 |
1221.74 | 1221.81 | 1223.04 | T:cubehash81 |
1285.96 | 1285.97 | 1286.76 | T:knot512 |
1794.35 | 1794.99 | 1837.24 | T:syconhash256v1 |
2295.49 | 2296.12 | 2338.22 | T:cubehash161 |
2430.51 | 2430.82 | 2473.64 | T:subterraneanv1 |
3448.71 | 3457.39 | 3492.11 | T:acehash256v1 |
4632.75 | 4674.51 | 4676.60 | T:skinnyhashtk3 |
5352.64 | 5354.01 | 5355.75 | T:sivrijndael256hash256v1 |
6444.32 | 6444.67 | 6447.50 | T:orangishv1 |
7835.15 | 7835.60 | 7840.79 | T:gage1h256c256r128 |
8022.29 | 8024.54 | 8043.14 | T:skinnyhashtk2 |
11142.75 | 11177.68 | 11183.69 | T:gage1h256c224r032 |
12133.96 | 12149.94 | 12156.88 | T:gage1h256c224r064 |
12626.18 | 12681.31 | 12835.75 | T:rhash |
13448.92 | 13450.81 | 13457.25 | T:gage1h256c256r064 |
20533.61 | 20536.81 | 20541.65 | T:sivtemphotonhashv1 |
23884.44 | 23921.56 | 23930.82 | T:gage1h256c512r064 |
24095.24 | 24132.42 | 24142.69 | T:gage1h256c256r032 |
28119.88 | 28124.79 | 28164.43 | T:heron256v1 |
40288.75 | 40295.49 | 40323.19 | T:gage1h256c224r016 |
44878.49 | 44906.83 | 45001.07 | T:gage1h256c512r032 |
45454.92 | 45483.35 | 45512.35 | T:gage1h256c256r016 |
77364.83 | 77407.50 | 77473.69 | T:gage1h256c224r008 |
276724.89 | 277024.67 | 277536.42 | T:fsb512 |
299957.71 | 301909.24 | 303287.22 | T:fsb256 |
Cycles/byte for 64 bytes |
25% | 50% | 75% | hash |
27.88 | 28.00 | 28.62 | komihash |
35.62 | 35.75 | 35.88 | T:blake3 |
37.75 | 37.75 | 37.88 | T:md4 |
37.88 | 38.38 | 38.50 | md5 |
39.75 | 40.38 | 41.00 | T:blake2s |
43.12 | 43.62 | 43.62 | T:bebb4185 |
46.25 | 46.25 | 46.88 | sha1 |
50.25 | 50.75 | 50.75 | T:edonr256 |
60.50 | 60.50 | 60.62 | sha256 |
60.50 | 60.50 | 61.12 | sha224 |
60.50 | 60.62 | 61.25 | T:ripemd160 |
60.50 | 61.00 | 61.88 | T:edonr512 |
67.75 | 68.38 | 69.00 | T:bmw256 |
72.25 | 72.88 | 73.00 | T:skein256256 |
72.25 | 72.88 | 74.25 | prh42s256 |
74.25 | 74.88 | 74.88 | T:blake32 |
75.38 | 75.50 | 75.50 | T:xoodyakv1 |
75.50 | 75.62 | 76.25 | T:beamsplitter |
77.50 | 78.12 | 78.12 | sha384 |
78.12 | 78.75 | 78.88 | T:nasha256 |
78.12 | 78.75 | 80.12 | T:blake2b |
78.62 | 78.88 | 79.38 | sha512 |
81.38 | 82.00 | 82.12 | T:sneikha256 |
81.38 | 82.62 | 83.38 | T:tiger |
83.25 | 83.25 | 83.38 | prh64s256 |
83.38 | 84.00 | 85.25 | asconhashabi32v12 |
84.00 | 84.62 | 84.62 | T:shabal512 |
85.25 | 85.25 | 86.00 | T:nasha512 |
85.38 | 86.00 | 86.62 | blake256 |
87.12 | 87.25 | 87.88 | prh42s512 |
87.38 | 87.88 | 88.62 | lsh256 |
88.62 | 89.25 | 90.50 | asconhashav12 |
89.12 | 89.25 | 89.88 | T:shabal256 |
89.12 | 89.25 | 91.75 | asconxofav12 |
96.38 | 97.00 | 97.62 | T:luffa256 |
105.38 | 105.50 | 106.12 | T:bmw512 |
106.75 | 106.75 | 107.38 | asconhashbi32v12 |
109.38 | 109.50 | 110.00 | asconxofv12 |
109.38 | 110.00 | 110.12 | T:skein512256 |
110.00 | 110.62 | 112.62 | asconhashv12 |
112.00 | 112.00 | 112.75 | T:skein512512 |
113.88 | 114.00 | 114.62 | prh42s1024 |
115.25 | 115.25 | 116.00 | T:k12 |
115.25 | 115.88 | 119.25 | T:sarmal256 |
115.88 | 115.88 | 116.50 | T:shavite3256 |
124.38 | 125.00 | 125.00 | T:floppsy |
125.75 | 127.00 | 132.75 | T:sarmal512 |
128.25 | 129.62 | 134.62 | blake512 |
130.88 | 130.88 | 131.50 | prh64s512 |
143.88 | 144.50 | 145.12 | T:esch256v2 |
144.50 | 144.62 | 145.12 | T:mcssha4 |
145.12 | 145.25 | 145.88 | T:esch256v1 |
146.38 | 146.50 | 146.62 | T:blake64 |
148.38 | 148.38 | 148.50 | sha3224 |
149.12 | 149.75 | 149.75 | sha3256 |
151.62 | 151.75 | 152.38 | T:sneikha384 |
151.75 | 152.38 | 152.88 | shake256 |
152.25 | 152.38 | 152.88 | T:saturninhashv2 |
152.38 | 153.00 | 153.00 | T:luffa384 |
153.12 | 153.62 | 154.25 | T:cubehash512 |
153.50 | 153.62 | 153.75 | shake128 |
158.12 | 158.25 | 158.88 | T:keccakc1024 |
160.88 | 161.38 | 162.12 | T:keccakc768 |
162.12 | 162.12 | 162.75 | T:gimli24v1 |
162.75 | 162.75 | 162.75 | T:keccakc512 |
168.00 | 168.50 | 168.62 | T:mcssha6 |
168.50 | 168.62 | 168.75 | T:keccak |
175.75 | 175.88 | 176.38 | T:keccakc256 |
179.75 | 180.38 | 181.00 | T:keccakc448 |
182.12 | 182.25 | 182.88 | lsh512 |
185.38 | 185.50 | 186.12 | T:shavite3512 |
188.88 | 189.38 | 189.50 | T:mcssha5 |
195.88 | 196.62 | 196.62 | T:luffa512 |
190.12 | 197.88 | 201.75 | sha3512 |
192.12 | 200.50 | 201.88 | sha3384 |
207.00 | 207.75 | 209.00 | T:fugue256 |
208.25 | 208.38 | 208.38 | T:drygascon128 |
214.88 | 215.50 | 215.50 | prh64s1024 |
227.88 | 228.50 | 228.62 | T:esch384v2 |
229.12 | 229.12 | 229.25 | T:esch384v1 |
245.38 | 245.50 | 246.12 | T:bblake256 |
250.00 | 250.62 | 250.75 | T:romulush |
251.38 | 251.88 | 252.00 | T:round3jh512 |
251.88 | 252.00 | 252.50 | T:round3jh256 |
260.25 | 260.38 | 261.00 | T:clxhash |
268.75 | 269.00 | 270.12 | T:echo256 |
269.62 | 270.12 | 270.25 | T:simd256 |
278.62 | 279.25 | 280.00 | T:skein10241024 |
286.38 | 286.50 | 287.75 | T:shamashashv1 |
294.38 | 295.50 | 296.25 | T:lane256 |
316.50 | 317.00 | 317.75 | T:mgrostl256 |
319.62 | 319.62 | 319.75 | T:jh256 |
319.62 | 319.75 | 320.38 | T:jh384 |
319.62 | 320.25 | 320.88 | T:jh224 |
320.25 | 320.38 | 321.00 | T:jh512 |
322.88 | 323.00 | 324.25 | T:echosp256 |
324.88 | 325.50 | 327.00 | T:echo512 |
337.88 | 338.50 | 338.50 | T:cubehash1632 |
342.38 | 343.00 | 343.75 | T:groestl256 |
345.00 | 345.62 | 346.38 | T:whirlpool |
355.38 | 356.00 | 356.12 | T:drygascon256 |
393.88 | 394.50 | 395.25 | T:echosp512 |
399.12 | 399.75 | 401.12 | T:fugue2 |
401.62 | 401.75 | 402.38 | T:rfsb509 |
411.88 | 412.12 | 412.12 | T:knot256v2 |
436.12 | 436.25 | 436.88 | T:fugue512 |
473.38 | 473.88 | 474.12 | T:cubehash832 |
500.62 | 503.25 | 528.62 | T:essence384 |
503.25 | 503.88 | 505.12 | T:essence512 |
510.38 | 510.50 | 511.12 | T:cubehash816 |
518.88 | 519.50 | 519.62 | T:coral256v1 |
549.38 | 550.12 | 552.00 | T:groestl512 |
560.50 | 560.50 | 561.12 | T:knot256v1 |
576.75 | 576.88 | 577.38 | T:essence224 |
577.38 | 577.50 | 578.75 | T:essence256 |
582.62 | 582.75 | 583.25 | T:cubehash88 |
583.12 | 584.50 | 586.00 | T:simd512 |
727.12 | 727.25 | 727.88 | T:cubehash84 |
759.00 | 759.12 | 761.12 | T:md6d224 |
805.25 | 806.00 | 806.75 | T:md6d256 |
914.00 | 914.12 | 914.75 | T:cubehash1616 |
990.25 | 992.25 | 994.12 | T:md6d384 |
993.50? | 1000.62? | 1329.38? | T:lane512 |
1016.88 | 1016.88 | 1017.62 | T:cubehash82 |
1037.12 | 1037.75 | 1037.75 | T:knot384 |
1052.00 | 1052.12 | 1052.62 | T:cubehash168 |
1104.12 | 1104.75 | 1104.88 | T:photonbeetlehash256rate32v1 |
1178.88 | 1179.12 | 1181.62 | T:md6d512 |
1324.75 | 1324.88 | 1326.12 | T:cubehash164 |
1594.88 | 1595.00 | 1595.00 | T:knot512 |
1595.62 | 1596.25 | 1597.00 | T:cubehash81 |
1873.50 | 1873.62 | 1877.50 | T:cubehash162 |
2746.00 | 2746.00 | 2747.38 | T:syconhash256v1 |
2775.38 | 2775.88 | 2777.25 | T:subterraneanv1 |
2970.62 | 2971.12 | 2974.38 | T:cubehash161 |
5072.00 | 5072.62 | 5075.88 | T:sivrijndael256hash256v1 |
5260.25 | 5260.88 | 5263.38 | T:acehash256v1 |
6601.25 | 6601.38 | 6606.50 | T:skinnyhashtk3 |
8875.25 | 8875.38 | 8887.62 | T:skinnyhashtk2 |
9110.12 | 9110.38 | 9116.12 | T:orangishv1 |
12874.50 | 12876.38 | 12905.00 | T:gage1h256c256r128 |
16419.88 | 16423.88 | 16793.50 | T:gage1h256c224r032 |
18359.38 | 18363.12 | 18727.00 | T:gage1h256c224r064 |
19298.12 | 19303.88 | 19688.00 | T:sivtemphotonhashv1 |
20337.00 | 20339.62 | 20707.38 | T:gage1h256c256r064 |
22096.62 | 22264.62 | 22485.25 | T:rhash |
35283.00 | 35648.12 | 35666.38 | T:gage1h256c256r032 |
36136.38 | 36497.75 | 36510.75 | T:gage1h256c512r064 |
50827.88 | 50833.88 | 50912.50 | T:heron256v1 |
58301.50 | 58312.50 | 58334.12 | T:gage1h256c224r016 |
65753.00 | 65779.00 | 65857.12 | T:gage1h256c256r016 |
66026.38 | 66049.38 | 66192.38 | T:gage1h256c512r032 |
111987.88 | 112001.62 | 112055.00 | T:gage1h256c224r008 |
2474021.25 | 2479944.50 | 2486087.00 | T:fsb512 |
2697363.50 | 2701278.75 | 2706989.25 | T:fsb256 |
Cycles/byte for 8 bytes |
25% | 50% | 75% | hash |
192.00 | 193.00 | 197.00 | komihash |
260.00 | 261.00 | 261.00 | md5 |
271.00 | 275.00 | 277.00 | T:md4 |
287.00 | 291.00 | 292.00 | T:floppsy |
296.00 | 297.00 | 298.00 | T:blake3 |
297.00 | 297.00 | 297.00 | T:bebb4185 |
308.00 | 312.00 | 317.00 | sha1 |
313.00 | 318.00 | 323.00 | T:blake2s |
317.00 | 318.00 | 318.00 | T:edonr256 |
328.00 | 329.00 | 339.00 | T:beamsplitter |
339.00 | 344.00 | 349.00 | T:sneikha256 |
360.00 | 364.00 | 365.00 | T:ripemd160 |
364.00 | 365.00 | 365.00 | T:xoodyakv1 |
369.00 | 370.00 | 370.00 | sha224 |
370.00 | 370.00 | 375.00 | sha256 |
406.00 | 411.00 | 422.00 | asconhashabi32v12 |
411.00 | 412.00 | 412.00 | T:blake32 |
416.00 | 417.00 | 432.00 | asconhashav12 |
417.00 | 422.00 | 438.00 | asconxofav12 |
437.00 | 438.00 | 442.00 | T:bmw256 |
442.00 | 443.00 | 448.00 | T:nasha256 |
454.00 | 458.00 | 459.00 | blake256 |
454.00 | 458.00 | 464.00 | T:tiger |
463.00 | 464.00 | 468.00 | T:skein256256 |
474.00 | 474.00 | 479.00 | asconhashbi32v12 |
479.00 | 479.00 | 480.00 | asconxofv12 |
480.00 | 484.00 | 485.00 | T:edonr512 |
480.00 | 490.00 | 500.00 | asconhashv12 |
500.00 | 504.00 | 505.00 | T:luffa256 |
537.00 | 541.00 | 542.00 | T:saturninhashv2 |
547.00 | 548.00 | 557.00 | prh42s256 |
542.00 | 552.00 | 557.00 | T:shabal512 |
552.00 | 552.00 | 557.00 | T:gimli24v1 |
573.00 | 577.00 | 579.00 | T:shavite3256 |
573.00 | 578.00 | 579.00 | T:clxhash |
588.00 | 589.00 | 589.00 | T:shabal256 |
615.00 | 619.00 | 620.00 | sha384 |
619.00 | 620.00 | 621.00 | T:sneikha384 |
620.00 | 625.00 | 640.00 | T:blake2b |
625.00 | 630.00 | 631.00 | sha512 |
635.00 | 635.00 | 639.00 | T:esch256v1 |
635.00 | 636.00 | 646.00 | T:esch256v2 |
635.00 | 641.00 | 645.00 | prh64s256 |
646.00 | 647.00 | 651.00 | T:drygascon128 |
661.00 | 666.00 | 667.00 | prh42s512 |
676.00 | 677.00 | 678.00 | T:nasha512 |
699.00 | 704.00 | 714.00 | lsh256 |
741.00 | 745.00 | 745.00 | T:mcssha4 |
770.00 | 771.00 | 772.00 | T:romulush |
818.00 | 822.00 | 823.00 | T:cubehash512 |
828.00 | 833.00 | 834.00 | T:luffa384 |
839.00 | 844.00 | 850.00 | T:bmw512 |
870.00 | 875.00 | 876.00 | T:skein512256 |
875.00 | 880.00 | 880.00 | prh42s1024 |
886.00 | 891.00 | 896.00 | T:skein512512 |
906.00 | 907.00 | 912.00 | T:k12 |
922.00 | 932.00 | 942.00 | T:sarmal256 |
928.00 | 932.00 | 933.00 | T:mcssha6 |
1000.00 | 1006.00 | 1045.00 | T:sarmal512 |
1010.00 | 1011.00 | 1015.00 | T:shamashashv1 |
1010.00 | 1015.00 | 1016.00 | T:luffa512 |
1016.00 | 1027.00 | 1063.00 | blake512 |
1036.00 | 1036.00 | 1037.00 | prh64s512 |
1067.00 | 1068.00 | 1069.00 | T:esch384v2 |
1073.00 | 1073.00 | 1073.00 | T:esch384v1 |
1073.00 | 1078.00 | 1079.00 | T:mcssha5 |
1146.00 | 1151.00 | 1151.00 | T:knot256v1 |
1171.00 | 1172.00 | 1177.00 | sha3224 |
1177.00 | 1178.00 | 1183.00 | T:blake64 |
1181.00 | 1182.00 | 1188.00 | sha3256 |
1203.00 | 1203.00 | 1209.00 | shake256 |
1213.00 | 1214.00 | 1219.00 | shake128 |
1260.00 | 1265.00 | 1275.00 | T:fugue256 |
1265.00 | 1265.00 | 1266.00 | T:keccakc1024 |
1282.00 | 1287.00 | 1292.00 | T:keccakc768 |
1297.00 | 1297.00 | 1302.00 | T:keccakc512 |
1312.00 | 1317.00 | 1318.00 | T:knot256v2 |
1344.00 | 1348.00 | 1350.00 | T:keccak |
1405.00 | 1406.00 | 1407.00 | T:keccakc256 |
1422.00 | 1427.00 | 1432.00 | T:photonbeetlehash256rate32v1 |
1442.00 | 1443.00 | 1448.00 | T:keccakc448 |
1443.00 | 1448.00 | 1448.00 | T:drygascon256 |
1453.00 | 1453.00 | 1464.00 | T:whirlpool |
1458.00 | 1458.00 | 1463.00 | lsh512 |
1479.00 | 1480.00 | 1485.00 | T:shavite3512 |
1516.00 | 1573.00 | 1583.00 | sha3512 |
1558.00 | 1594.00 | 1621.00 | sha3384 |
1698.00 | 1703.00 | 1704.00 | prh64s1024 |
1734.00 | 1734.00 | 1738.00 | T:bblake256 |
1807.00 | 1812.00 | 1813.00 | T:coral256v1 |
1844.00 | 1849.00 | 1859.00 | T:groestl256 |
1916.00 | 1917.00 | 1922.00 | T:rfsb509 |
2021.00 | 2025.00 | 2026.00 | T:round3jh512 |
2021.00 | 2026.00 | 2031.00 | T:round3jh256 |
2146.00 | 2146.00 | 2151.00 | T:echo256 |
2151.00 | 2156.00 | 2157.00 | T:simd256 |
2228.00 | 2229.00 | 2235.00 | T:skein10241024 |
2245.00 | 2245.00 | 2250.00 | T:knot384 |
2317.00 | 2318.00 | 2323.00 | T:cubehash1632 |
2365.00 | 2375.00 | 2380.00 | T:lane256 |
2546.00 | 2552.00 | 2557.00 | T:mgrostl256 |
2562.00 | 2563.00 | 2567.00 | T:jh256 |
2562.00 | 2563.00 | 2568.00 | T:jh384 |
2562.00 | 2568.00 | 2573.00 | T:jh224 |
2563.00 | 2568.00 | 2572.00 | T:jh512 |
2584.00 | 2589.00 | 2604.00 | T:echosp256 |
2599.00 | 2609.00 | 2620.00 | T:echo512 |
2766.00 | 2771.00 | 2775.00 | T:fugue512 |
2808.00 | 2817.00 | 2818.00 | T:fugue2 |
3150.00 | 3151.00 | 3157.00 | T:echosp512 |
3380.00 | 3380.00 | 3386.00 | T:cubehash832 |
3380.00 | 3381.00 | 3385.00 | T:cubehash816 |
3516.00 | 3520.00 | 3521.00 | T:cubehash88 |
3541.00 | 3542.00 | 3542.00 | T:essence224 |
3542.00 | 3547.00 | 3552.00 | T:essence256 |
3672.00 | 3677.00 | 3677.00 | T:cubehash84 |
3964.00 | 3969.00 | 3994.00 | T:cubehash82 |
4016.00 | 4021.00 | 4209.00 | T:essence384 |
4025.00 | 4026.00 | 4027.00 | T:knot512 |
4041.00 | 4042.00 | 4047.00 | T:essence512 |
4400.00 | 4416.00 | 4432.00 | T:groestl512 |
4541.00 | 4542.00 | 4542.00 | T:cubehash81 |
4646.00 | 4657.00 | 4681.00 | T:simd512 |
5499.00 | 5500.00 | 5505.00 | T:subterraneanv1 |
5853.00 | 5855.00 | 5865.00 | T:sivrijndael256hash256v1 |
6062.00 | 6068.00 | 6074.00 | T:md6d224 |
6094.00 | 6098.00 | 6100.00 | T:cubehash1616 |
6370.00 | 6375.00 | 6380.00 | T:cubehash168 |
6431.00 | 6437.00 | 6442.00 | T:md6d256 |
6645.00 | 6646.00 | 6650.00 | T:cubehash164 |
7192.00 | 7193.00 | 7197.00 | T:cubehash162 |
7917.00 | 7932.00 | 7937.00 | T:md6d384 |
7932.00? | 7994.00? | 10567.00? | T:lane512 |
8287.00 | 8291.00 | 8292.00 | T:cubehash161 |
9427.00 | 9432.00 | 9488.00 | T:md6d512 |
10239.00 | 10239.00 | 10240.00 | T:syconhash256v1 |
15931.00 | 15932.00 | 15937.00 | T:skinnyhashtk2 |
17724.00 | 17728.00 | 17729.00 | T:skinnyhashtk3 |
19526.00 | 19531.00 | 19541.00 | T:acehash256v1 |
20781.00 | 20796.00 | 20813.00 | T:sivtemphotonhashv1 |
36509.00 | 36514.00 | 36525.00 | T:orangishv1 |
45706.00 | 45707.00 | 45712.00 | T:gage1h256c256r128 |
58331.00 | 58336.00 | 58394.00 | T:gage1h256c224r032 |
67892.00 | 67894.00 | 67939.00 | T:gage1h256c224r064 |
75184.00 | 75194.00 | 75257.00 | T:gage1h256c256r064 |
84262.00 | 84273.00 | 84428.00 | T:rhash |
124308.00 | 124327.00 | 124526.00 | T:gage1h256c256r032 |
133520.00 | 133557.00 | 136578.00 | T:gage1h256c512r064 |
198763.00 | 198856.00 | 201814.00 | T:gage1h256c224r016 |
224307.00 | 224392.00 | 227302.00 | T:gage1h256c256r016 |
227547.00 | 228116.00 | 230740.00 | T:heron256v1 |
231245.00 | 231464.00 | 234179.00 | T:gage1h256c512r032 |
384609.00 | 384686.00 | 384874.00 | T:gage1h256c224r008 |
19798677.00 | 19830211.00 | 19861284.00 | T:fsb512 |
21582979.00 | 21603447.00 | 21653003.00 | T:fsb256 |