eBACS: ECRYPT Benchmarking of Cryptographic Systems

General information: Introduction eBASH eBASC eBAEAD eBATS SUPERCOP XBX Computers Arch
How to submit new software: Tips hash stream aead dh kem encrypt sign
List of primitives measured: lwc sha3 hash stream lwc caesar aead dh kem encrypt sign
Measurements: lwc sha3 hash stream lwc caesar aead dh kem encrypt sign
List of subroutines: verify decode encode sort core hashblocks xof scalarmult

eBASC: ECRYPT Benchmarking of Stream Ciphers

The eBASC (ECRYPT Benchmarking of Stream Ciphers) project, part of eBACS, measures stream ciphers according to the following criteria: "Time" refers to time on real computers: time on an ARM Cortex-A8, time on an Intel Sandy Bridge, time on an Intel Haswell, etc. The point of these cost measures is that they are directly visible to the cryptographic user. eBASC times each stream cipher on a wide variety of computers, ensuring direct comparability of all systems on whichever computers are of interest to the users.

There are separate pages explaining how to submit stream ciphers to eBASC, listing the stream ciphers already submitted, and presenting the latest eBASC measurements.


This is version 2016.07.15 of the ebasc.html web page. This web page is in the public domain.